STATEMENT: PDE Action Supports the Achieving Choice in Education Act
December 14, 2023
America is suffering through an education crisis. Students’ math and reading scores are the lowest they have been in decades. It is estimated children need nearly five months of extra schooling to simply return to pre-pandemic levels. The consequences of teacher union-led school closures continue to impede progress in the classroom.
Instead of addressing this problem with the urgency it deserves, there are individuals embedded in school districts nationwide who are committed to using classroom time to push political agendas instead of focusing on math, reading, and writing. Now more than ever, parents need more choice in K-12 education options. That is why we commend the work of Senator Lee and Rep. Burlison for their work on the ACE Act. This is a pro-parent, pro-student legislation that will hand parents more control in choosing their children’s schooling. Maintaining the status quo is not an option. We need innovative ideas that will help all students achieve their true potential.