STATEMENT: PDE Action Supports Sense of the Senate Calling on the NCAA to Protect Women in Sports Resolution
The NCAA has prioritized the feelings of transgender-identifying biological males over the safety and opportunity of hardworking female athletes. By following a policy that lacks grounding in basic biology, the NCAA has allowed biological males to steal spots on the podium from female athletes who have trained their entire lives for a gold-medal moment. Even worse, by allowing biological males to compete in the women’s division, the NCAA has put female athletes at greater risk of injury.
Title IX was created to ensure fair play for women at the university level. It is devastating that the National Collegiate Athletic Association twists Title IX’s meaning to validate confused males rather than uphold rules of fair play for the women it was designed to protect.
Senator Marsha Blackburn’s resolution calls on the NCAA to revoke its transgender eligibility policy and forbid transgender-identifying biological males from competing in women’s competitions. Further, the resolution urges the NCAA and all sports-governing entities to recommit to ensuring that female athletes are guaranteed safe and fair play, as Title IX was originally intended to do.
Parents Defending Education Action stands with Senator Marsha Blackburn in calling on the NCAA to revise its policies to protect women in sports.