STATEMENT: PDE Action Supports Fair Play for Girls Act

Fair play for girls in athletics has been threatened by policies that allow transgender-identifying biological males to compete against biological females. Polling by our partner organization, Parents Defending Education, found that 78% of parents oppose transgender-identifying biological males playing on girls’ sports teams. This is a concern that spans the ideological spectrum—86% of Republican parents, 80% of independent parents, and 60% of Democratic parents oppose biological males playing on girls’ teams. 

The news stories of girls being injured by male athletes or losing a spot on the podium or the team to a male athlete only scratch the surface of opportunities girls have lost at the hands of transgender-identifying biological males.  

The Fair Play for Girls Act, introduced by Senator Marsha Blackburn, will direct the Attorney General to produce a much-needed report about the impact that allowing biological males to compete on girls’ sports team has had on girls’ safety, health, and opportunities. With this legislation, girls will have the full weight of Congress and the Attorney General behind them, ensuring fair and safe playing fields for generations of girls to come.  

Parents Defending Education Action is proud to support this long overdue legislation, which will restore sanity and safety in girls’ athletics.